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Cern HTTPD: Password/Login problems ?

I use Cern HTTPD version 3.0, and I have created a Protect line in the
httpd.conf file for my www root directory (all shall be protected, except
for some file which must be public with no password and login) which points
to a file I created called httpd.setup2 in a other directory, with these
four lines:

AuthType         Basic
ServerId           I.I.I.Prot.System
PasswordFile    /home/salut/passwd
GroupFile          /home/salut/group

and a file in the www root directory called .www_acl, with the contents:

*.htm : GET,POST : Anyone
syslog.form : GET,POST : All

and the file passwd, have passwords for persons (like roberth - my own) not
iii - it's a group id. Then it is the group file:

iii:                morpheus@sunet.se, pka@*.se, roberth@kd.qd.se

Problem #1
The problem is that I can reach all the *.htm files without any password
and without any problem. When I shall try to reach to file syslog.form, the
server (browser) comes up with the dialog window which asking for the
password and login, which I fill in. After that the server responds that my
login/password are incorrect and if I want to try again (retry).

Problem #2
Why can't I fill in groups and login names instead of All flag in the file
.www_acl ? Maybe this also depends on the same reasons as problem #1.

What is the answers ??? please help me ...

PS!	I have been on w3's WWW pages about authorization, but they haven't
helped me more than you can see. And I have posted mails to almost all www
Usenet groups.

/Roberth Andersson

- Address: Roberth Andersson, Djurgardsvagen 37A, S-68153 KRISTINEHAMN, SWEDEN
- Phone->  +46-550-17864  <-Fax
- EMail->  INTERNET: roberth@kd.qd.se
- WWW URL (private Europe): HTTP://www.kd.qd.se/~roberth/
- WWW URL (private USA): HTTP://metro.turnpike.net/~roberth
- WWW URL (I.I.I. Europe): HTTP://www.kd.qd.se/iii/
- WWW URL (I.I.I. USA): HTTP://metro.turnpike.net/~iii